Research Articles

Below you will find research on trombone repertoire I worked on for my DMA. (Please scroll to the bottom of this page)

It is working progress and containing a library of works I have discovered from my Doctorate in Musical Arts at Salford University obtained in 2014.

Click on the links to download the word or excel documents of current findings

Also a good source of information on trombones can be found at Dales site

And also Will Kimballs Site

You can read about the Black Dyke Heritage Project here:

The Black Dyke Heritage Project

Academic Articles: (Click on links below to download)

a) General Performance Anxiety 

b) Influence of conductors and soloists on ensembles

c) Article on Trombone Recital repertoire


Separate Articles on Brett Baker (click on links to download)

a) Brett Baker Dinner Guests (from 4barsrest)

b) Interview The Black Dyke Trombone Quartet 2012 

c) An Interview on Brett by Bob Childs 

d) Interview several special moments 

e) Soundtrack of my life

Researched Repertoire lists: (excel documents)

For an excellent trombone timeline visit Will Kimballs site: Will Kimball

Below is a list of historical pieces that I have managed to research so far separated into concertos, slow melodies, Air Varies or Florids and after 1955 modern brass band repertoire often in the form of a Concerto.

a) Trombone Repertoire 1475-1880

b) Repertoire Brass Band Slow melodies 

c) Repertoire Modern Brass Band Trombone Concertos 1950 Onwards 

d) Repertoire Air Varies & Florids 1800-1915 

e) Repertoire Air Varies & Florids 1915-1955 

f) Repertoire Brass Band Florids 1950 onwards

New Photo 9 Sept 2010