
Brett 2020 2

Professor David King

The name Brett Baker has become an established, household name in the world of brass, not least for the level of commitment and focus that this outstanding musician has given to his craft. Brett has always combined ‘Nature with Nurture' in an ever evolving quest for personal fulfilment in and through his music making. His outstanding musical accomplishments are testament to his ‘can do' attitude combining his talent with tenacity and his desire with determination. Brett was always destined to fulfil his personal goals and aspirations and I believe the future ‘new generation' of British brass enthusiasts have much to glean from seeking to emulate the formulae and foundation principles that Brett continues to share with those that search to live their own dream and draw on the resource of his knowledge and experience.

Howard Snell

Brett is a trombonist who combines robust flair with delicacy, technical accomplishment with a warm audience personality. I have worked with him and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Mick Rath

Brett is a great ambassador for Rath Trombones and it has been a pleasure to work with such a great musician. Professional and conscientious in every aspect of his work. Brett has become a great friend over the years , and I look forward to our continued working relationship and friendship for years to come.

Dr Lee Harrelson

Though there are many highlights, Brett Bakers sultry rendition of "The Nearness of you" is an absolute delight. (From Solo CD reviews 2021, The British Bandsman, Soloist Showcase Volume 1 Brass Pass TV).

Dr. Robert Childs

Brett is an immense player with boundless energy and musical vision... that's what makes him the best trombone player in the brass band movement.

Professor Ron Holz

When Brett Baker visited Kentucky in April, he ‘delivered the goods’ both as an outstanding soloist with the Lexington Brass Band and as a highly successful clinician at several area universities and other nearby brass bands.  His engaging, pleasant personality—a musician ‘easy to work with’--was matched by technical assurance and elegant musicianship in the collaborative effort with Lexington Brass.  His flexibility in various styles of playing and his willingness to explore and master a wide range of new pieces were a revelation and joy to experience—he was the guest soloist par excellence.

Dr Howard J. Evans

Over the last few years I have had the opportunity to work with Brett on a number of recording and concert projects. His performance has always been of the highest calibre and he has always been a true professional in his attitude towards each engagement in which we have participated.This pertains not only to his playing, but also to his personal demeanour and the way he interacts with those with whom he comes into contact. It's a pleasure to know him.

Dr. Roy Newsome

I've known Brett since his early days in the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain. By the time he was about 17 he'd reached the dizzy heights of Principal Solo Trombone in the 80-strong band, but even before that I'd selected him to play the beautiful trombone solo from 'Elaine' in Denis Wright's 'Tintagel'. This was for a CD - '40 Years Young' (the band, not Brett!). Even all those years ago he was playing with a maturity well beyond his years. It's been a delight for me to watch his progress during the years since then, and to feel that perhaps I played some small part in his subsequent rise to the very top of the trombone tree.

David Daws

Brett Baker is a wonderful person and a tremendous musician.  I recently attended a British Trombone Society workshop led by Brett, where his passion for the trombone was very evident. His stamina is quite amazing and I was in awe of his ability to play for such long periods without requiring a rest.  He is also very approachable to players of all ages and ability and is a great ambassador for the trombone. Congratulations Brett for all you have accomplished and best wishes for the future.

Professor Nicholas Childs

"Brett is an exceptional player, soloist and ambassador for the Black Dyke Band. His virtuosity is frightening on the trombone and the speed he can play should be a real concern to anyone who owns a valve instrument".

Richard Evans

I have known Brett for many years in several bands and musical combinations and it's a mark of his wonderful versatility he never seems to be phased. His professionalism is unquestionable and directing a band when he plays a solo is without problems. The one thing I like about Brett, he is a friend who you can always rely on - a true friend.

Bob Hughes (Past bass trombonist of the L.S.O.)

Brett is one of the most enthusiastic and prolific trombonists I know. His clarity of tone and facility of technique have taken trombone playing in the band world to new levels!

Sheila Tracy (BTS Magazine - The Trombonist)

One of the undoubted highlights of the ITF 2008 was Britain's Brett Baker giving a breathtaking performance as a soloist with Utah Premier Brass.

Steven Greenall (P-Bone & Warwick Music)

Brett is one of the finest soloists of his generation. His commitment to new repertoire for trombone and infectious enthusiasm for live performance and recordings is un-matched in the brass band community whilst representinga deep-rooted passion for musicality and excellence - both of which he delivers time after time.

Mark Ford (Conductor & Adjudicator Melbourne, Australia)

It was great to see Brett Baker in Melbourne again as he won over many brass band enthusiasts with his wonderful playing skills and his kind friendly nature.

Katrina Marzella

Brett Baker immediately grabbed the audience's attention with his stunning technical ability in the classic solo "Hailstorm" hearing the triple-tonguing section being played as effortlessly as Brett on trombone left many players drooling at the mouth.

Anthony Leggett (Brass Band World)

Brett Baker is surely at the playing pinnacle of his glittering career - his strength and depth of sound can give way in an instant to the most heart-warming delicacy, and his phenomenally flawless technique is equally matched by an elegant ability to enhance a melodic line with musicianship and responsiveness.