
Saturday, 28 March 2020

Brett Baker thrilled a capacity audience at the Beacon in Wantage at the weekend, with some top quality playing on display from this Michael Rath ambassador. Wantage Band were in fine form to support this talented guest soloist who featured many showcase items throughout the evening's entertainment. 'Highland Cathedral' (Roever/Korb arr. Ian Jones) was a highlight of the first half, which saw Brett lead a 19 strong trombone choir from within the ranks of Wantage Silver Band.

"Brett had a busy weekend, as well as leading a masterclass he was also adjudicator for the annual WSB inner band competition, where he judged a wide variety of around 70 performances from across the organisation". Sam Wyne (Deputy Bandmaster)

After the interval the Black Dyke principal trombonist returned to perform 'Rhapsody in Blue', where he was able to show a different side to his playing, a popular piece which was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Next up, Brett joined forces wth the Wantage Band trombone section - Mike Wallbridge, Glyn Kennett and Ivan Hunger, for a light hearted rendition of Alan Fernie's 'Attack of the Killer Trombones'.

A rousing 'Fugue in D Minor' was the finale of the evening - featuring the bands talented percussionist George Groves, a big finish which sent the audience home with a smile.

"Wantage pushed themselves to get the full dynamic contrast and really did show a softer side, a full and magical sound and the perfect end to a great evening".

Rob Tompkins (4BR)
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